Flaman Rentals Blog

Canola replating may hinder winter wheat seeding

Posted by Flaman Agriculture Jul 20, 2015

CNS is reporting that . . .

With canola as the preferred stubble choice into which to seed winter wheat in Western Canada, it’s possible farmers will run into problems seeding this fall due to vast canola reseeding in early June.

“The crop insurance said there was over a million acres reseeded (in Manitoba), and when you reseed, unless you were very early when you started, that’s going to put the crop back,” said Jake Davidson, executive director of Winter Cereals Canada.

“If the canola is not off in time, it’s going to get in our way a bit as far as the seeding of the winter wheat goes.”

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Posted in Crop reports | Tagged with winter wheat canola crop report | More articles by Flaman Agriculture

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